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发布时间:2021/05/07 | 浏览数:1878

随着2022年QS排行榜的出炉, 越来越多的童鞋不仅仅关注大学排名,也开始关注到专业排。本期我们将会带领大家详细了解医学类专业各大学的排名情况。


由上面这张图我们不难得出结论:如果一位同学的目标院校是和武汉大学相当的大学,但以他平时的成绩,这条路可能比较悬,把握不那么大,这种情况,我们会建议不妨考虑换条十拿九稳的跑道。毕竟,意大利医学类专业基本都是本硕连读,还省却了考研的烦恼呢! 我们再看看高考考多少分就可以申请意大利本科?400分!400分!!就是400分!! 



IMAT全称是International Medical Admissions Test国际医学入学考试,是由意大利教育部、大学和研究部与剑桥评估入学考试组织合作开发的,向本国和国际学生开放。适用于申请英语授课的医学、外科和牙科课程的学生。现在我们就为大家详细解析IMAT的考试内容.


考试形式:纸笔测试         考试时间:100分钟


1. 基础知识和逻辑推理(22道题)

2. 生物 (18道题)

3. 化学 (12道题)

4. 物理和数学(8道题)


评分标准:答对得1.5分、答错扣0.4 分、不答得0分。









1、When should we take antibiotics? 

A. Never

B. For viruses

C. For bacterial infections

D. Whenever you feel sick

E. Whenever you have a headache



解析:Antibiotics are effective at treating bacterial infections. They should not be   taken if you have a virus because they cannot kill viruses.


2、The islands of Seychelles are located in the
A. Arctic Ocean

B. Indian Ocean

C. Pacific Ocean

D. Atlantic Ocean

E. Southern Ocean



解析:The Republic of Seychelles is an archipelago country in the Indian Ocean.

3、Which of the animals below has the highest IQ after humans?

A. Pigs

B. Rats

C. Dogs

D. Dolphins

E. Chimpanzees



解析:The ranking of the 10 animals with the highest IQ is as follows: Chimpanzees, Bottle-nose Dolphins, Elephants, African Grey Parrots, Rats, Crows, Dogs, Pigeons, Pigs, Octopuses.

4、How many are the Member States of the European Union?

A. 24

B. 26

C. 28

D. 30

E. 32


解析:The European Union (EU) consists of 28 member states.

5、The word photosynthesis is derived from

A. Latin

B. Greek

C. Hebrew

D. Persian

E. Chinese



解析:Photosynthesis is derived from the Greek φῶς, phōs, "light", and σύνθεσις, synthesis, "putting together".


6、Which of the following is the effect of deforestation?
A. flooding
B. soil erosionC. desertificationD. climate changeE. all of the above


解析:Deforestation (the loss of trees and other vegetation) can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people.


7、Who is credited with inventing the new wave of hand-held personal computer devices.
A. Bill Gates
B. Steve JobsC. Alan TuringD. Robert NoyceE. Tim Berners-Lee


解析:Steve Jobs helped revolutionise personal computer devices with the iPod, iPad, Macbook and iPhone. He is credited with inventing the new wave of hand-held personal computer devices.


8、In Western astrology, the zodiac is divided into:

A. 9 signs

B. 10 signs

C. 11 signs

D. 12 signs

E. 13 signs



解析:In Western astrology, and formerly astronomy, the zodiac is divided into twelve signs, each occupying 30° of celestial longitude and roughly corresponding to the constellations Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.


9、According to the Old Testament, how many days did it take God to create the world? 
A. 5
B. 6C. 7D. 8E. 9


解析:In Genesis, God creates the world in 6 days. He rests on the 7th day.


10、What is the main sex hormone for women?

A. Cortisol

B. Estrogen

C. Melatonin

D. Testosterone

E. Progesterone



解析:For women, estrogen (or estradiol) is the main sex hormone. It causes puberty, prepares the body and uterus for pregnancy, and regulates the menstrual cycle.




1Christine is a control engineer at the Browdon Nuclear Power Plant. On Wednesday, she is invited to a party on the Friday, and asks her manager if she can take the Friday off. She acknowledged that this will mean she will have worked less than the required number of hours this week, and offers to make this up by working extra hours next week. Her manager suggests that instead, she works 5 hours this Sunday, and 3 extra hours next Thursday to make up the required hours. Christine accepts this proposal. Christine’s amended schedule for the week is shown below:


How many hours was Christine supposed to have worked this week, if she had completed her usual Friday shift?

A. 34

B. 35

C. 36

D. 38

E. 40


2、The table below shows the consumer price inflation and unemployment rate for 5 countries:

Consumer price inflation % rate



United States















Unemployed % rate



United States
















A newspaper comparing March to February reported that: 'Unemployment has fallen but there has been a rise in the inflation rate'.

Which country is the statement referring to?

A. France

B. Japan

C. Germany

D. United States

E. United Kingdom


3The government is considering changing the law to assume consent for the donation of organs  after death. People opposed to the idea would have to deliberately 'opt out' of the scheme,  although relatives would still be consulted. The supply of healthy organs available for transplant  would be vastly increased under this scheme. If the government really wants to improve the  lives of people with long-term health problems, this is a measure it must take.

Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument in the passage?

A. Not all of the organs donated are suitable for transplant.

B. Bereaved relatives find donation decisions very distressing.

C. There would be opposition by civil liberties groups to this measure.

D. The number of voluntary organ donors is small and not increasing.

E. It is not known how many people would 'opt out' of the compulsory scheme.


4、A golf tournament is played over 10 rounds, on successive Saturdays. The winner of each  round scores 3 points and the player finishing second scores 1 point. The tournament is won by  the competitor with the most points over the 10 rounds. 
Alan Vinci, Barry Durand, Carl Johansson and Daniel and Eric Lim were the participants in this  year's tournament. All five won at least one round, but either Barry, Daniel or Eric finished  second on each occasion. The 12 finishing order was different every round, and the Lim brothers didn't both score points in the same round at any time.

Who won this year's tournament?


A. Eric Lim

B. Alan Vinci

C. Daniel Lim

D. Barry Durand

E. Carl Johansson



5、A recipe states it makes 12 pancakes and requires the following ingredients: 2 eggs, 100g plain flour, and 300ml milk.  Steve is cooking pancakes for 15 people and wants to have sufficient mixture for 3 pancakes each.

What quantities should Steve use to ensure this whilst using whole eggs?

A. 2½ eggs, 125g plain flour, 375ml milk

B. 3 eggs, 150g plain flour, 450 ml milk

C. 7½ eggs, 375g plain flour, 1125 ml milk

D. 8 eggs, 400g plain flour, 1200 ml milk

E. 12 eggs, 600g plain flour, 1800 ml milk


6、Every motorist pays the same amount for road tax, regardless of how much they use the roads: someone who covers as little as 1,000 miles pays the same as someone who covers 20,000. This is unfair. Road tax should be scrapped and the money raised by an increase in the tax on car fuel. Making this change would ensure that those who use the roads more would pay more. This would not only be a fairer system, but could also bring in more revenue.

Which of the following best illustrates the principle underlying the argument?

A. People should receive free medical treatment only if they cannot afford to pay for it.

B. People who travel to work every day by train should pay a lower fare than those who travel only occasionally.

C. People who earn more than double the average wage should be made to pay much higher charges for dental treatment.

D. Television channels should be paid for by subscription so that only those people who watch them should be made to pay.

E. Telephone charges should be higher for business customers than for domestic customers because they are using the system only to make money.



7、Criminals, thieves and judges are represented below:



Assuming that judges must have clean record, all thieves are criminals and all those who are guilty are convicted of their crimes, which one of the following best represents their interaction?



8、A study on identical twins concluded that genes contribute roughly half of the attributes we need to  be happy. People often find such studies scary, seeing something sinister about us being mere  puppets of our biology. However, put in nonscientific terms, it sounds like common sense. Parents  talk about how their children had different personality traits from a very young age. Perhaps it's  nicer to think this is caused by something 'fluffy' like a soul  but even if that were true, why is that  more reassuring than the thought that genes are responsible? Either way, you're born as you are. Which one of the following statements is best supported as the conclusion of the passage?
A. Roughly half of what we need to be happy is decided by our genetic make up.
B. We may as well accept the idea that our potential for happiness in life is to some extent  decided at birth.C. Whether or not you are happy in life is either determined by your soul or your genes.D. Whether or not you are happy in life is not something over which you yourself have any control.E. The person you are at birth is the person you will be throughout your life.
9、In order for a bacterial infection to be cleared, a patient must be treated with antibiotics. Rachel has a minor lung infection, which is thought by her doctor to be a bacterial infection. She is treated with antibiotics, but her condition does not improve. Therefore, it must not be a bacterial infection.
Which of the following best illustrates a flaw in this reasoning?A. It assumes that antibiotics are necessary to treat bacterial infections.B. It ignores the other potential issues that could be treated by antibiotics.C. It assumes that antibiotics are the only option to treat a bacterial infection.D. It assumes that a bacterial infection would definitely improve after treatment with antibiotics.E. It ignores the actions of the immune system, which may be sufficient to clear the infection regardless of what has caused it.
10、In the winter of 2014 the UK suffered record levels of rainfall, which led to catastrophic damage across the country. Thousands of homes were damaged and even destroyed, leaving many homeless in the chaos that followed. The Government faced harsh criticism that they had failed to adequately prepare the country for the extreme weather. In such cases the Government assess the likelihood of such events happening in the future and balance against the cost of advance measures to reduce the impact should they occur versus the cost of the event with no preparative defences in place. Until recently, for example, the risk of acts of terror taking was low compared with the vast cost anticipated should they occur. However, the risk of flooding is usually low, so it could be argued that the costs associated with anti-flooding measures would have been pre-emptively unreasonable. Should the Government be expected to prepare for every conceivable threat that could come to pass? Are we to put in place expensive measures against a seismic event as well as a possible extra-terrestrial invasion?
Which of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the statement?
A. The Government has an obligation to assess risks and costs of possible future events.
B. The Government should spend money to protect against potential extra-terrestrial invasions and seismic events.C. The Government should have spent money to protect against potential floods.D. The Government was justified in not spending heavily to protect against flooding.E. The Government should assist people who lost their homes in the floods.
1、Given the reaction CH4 + O2 --> CO2 + H2O
What amount of oxygen is needed to completely react with 1 mole of CH4?
A. 1 mole
B. 2 molesC. 3 molesD. 2 atomsE. none of the above正确答案:B
2、If 4.95g of ethylene (C2H4) are combusted with 3.25g of oxygen.
How many grams of CO2 are formed? 
(C=12, O=16, H=1)A. 0,06g
B. 1gC. 1,5gD. 2,0gE. 2,9g

3、Avogadro stated that equal volumes of gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure have equal ...
A. atoms.
B. speeds.C. molar masses.D. numbers of grams.E. numbers of molecules.正确答案:E4、A 50.6g sample of Mg(OH)2 is reacted with 45.0g of HCl according to the reaction:                Mg(OH)2 +  HCl --> MgCl2 +   H2OSuppose in the reaction discussed a chemist actually obtained 55.4 g of MgCl2. Calculate the yield of the reaction.A. 65%B. 70%C. 75%D. 80%E. 94.5%